Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kingsman representation

Statue that represents fertility


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

First sign of agriculture

Human with feline

Reasons why

1. The angles are due to the angel of the painter. If the lines are all parallel that would be an angle of the view of the front or the back of the house.
2. The  small boat seems closer due to the fact that it is closer to the eye of the beholder
3. It was painted around the religion error, Romans and Greeks for the older representation

The cave of forgotten dreams

1. When, where was the cave discovered. Bce france
2. Why was a door installed into the opening of the cave. Solely for climate control
3. Where we're the red spots discovered. How were they made. They were placed at opening of the cave made with hand prints.
4. What was the first proof that drawings were not forgies. The wear and tear details were old
5. What did the scientist believe that the artist created the bison with eight legs. To create an illusion of movement.
6. What possible landmark was near the cave. The piddocks
7. Why did the film makers think there might have been dancing in the cave. Either people or objects around the fire, and shadows.
8. What does the presence of bones indicate. That humans did not live In the caves. Used for only meetings and worship.
9. How did they know that the person created the red dots in different parts of the cave. The handprints proved only one deformed hand repeatedly 
10. What animal is combined with a woman. Bison
11. What was discovered in 2008? What material was it created from. Statue of a woman, made from a mammoth tusk.
12. What was the most significant about this cave to you. How much care, love was put into taking care of the cave. They new even back then that the only way of proof of life was with the signs which ended up surviving for many,many decades.